Collection of 2 putative C2H2 ZF; BED ZF human TFs out of 2 considered proteins

No Alignment available for C2H2ZF;BEDZF
Ensembl ID HGNC symbol DBD Family Is TF? TF Assessment Binding Mode Motif Status Notes Comments
ZNF277 C2H2 ZF; BED ZF Yes Likely to be sequence specific TF 1 Monomer or homomultimer No motif Virtually nothing is known for this protein except that it has a some znfC2H2 and znfBED domains
ZNF512 C2H2 ZF; BED ZF Yes Likely to be sequence specific TF 1 Monomer or homomultimer No motif Virtually nothing is known for this protein except that it has some of znfC2H2 domains and a znfBED domain and could thus be a TF